Take it from the MAN...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jon Stewart had former (Awesome) President Bill Clinton on his show last night, and after a while of talking about the wall street bailout, he asked Bill what his take was on Barack Obama and the election. Clinton's first response is, "I'll be surprised if he doesn't win." He made some great points that a lot of people still dont seem to understand, when he said "Look, This election is not about personal feelings, this is about you, and who is on your side. Which president can be there for you and your family and your children and your future…"

Right. If only the whole world thought like Bill Clinton. The fact is, people are still ignorantly saying things like "I wont vote for a man who's black, or a man who is part muslim and doesn't put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance."

Well- I will not vote for a man who has voted with George Bush 90% of the time, wants to continue the war in Iraq for fifty more years, and on top of that who chose an extremist, anti-choice, "I can see Russia from my house" moose eating flake as his vice presidential nominee (who by the way, may just become the president if McCain is elected, because he may just kick it any day now).

Thanks, but no thanks.

Bill Clinton topped off the conversation with Jon Stewart by saying " “Even though we (hillary & I) have had a long and good relationship with senator McCain, we admire him, but there is no question that if you vote for Senator Obama and Senator Biden, you’ll get better economic results, better shared prosperity, fewer of these headache problems, and a better position in the world. That’s what we believe.”

...So, still not sure who to vote for in this election?

My advice is, take it from the man. I knew i always liked him...

love & luck (& wise voting),