Might never buy bottled water again...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Okay, so this is a random topic. But an article caught my eye today on the yahoo homepage, and I felt like doing some more research.

This is something I feel everyone should know about, because it does and can affect our health.

Lots of plastics used to make plastic bottles, cans and food storage containers are filled with a chemical called BPA. The bottom line is, its toxic, hazardous, has precancerous causing properties, disrupts normal hormone processes and, well, it's bad for you.

Most sources say to stay away from:

-Plastics that are labeled with a number 3,6, and 7 on them. -Plastic baby toys & -Canned foods.

Obviously this isnt possible for all of us, but it's best to try and replace these plastics with glass containers & wooden toys for kids.

And, I must add something here- My Global Environment & Societies teacher told us something pretty scary. He said that TAP water is tested for over 115 chemicals to keep it safe, while BOTTLED water is ONLY tested for 15.

115 to 15, thats a HUGE difference. And I'd rather not take chances when it comes to my health.

Plus, for environmental reasons, its just better to have a reusable (not plastic) container to refill with tap water all the time than to buy a water bottle every second you're thirsty and then throw it away. Americans buy over 60 million water bottles a DAY- and most of those end up in landfills. Even sadder, it takes one plastic bottle 1,000 years to biodegrade.

So, to conclude my mini-research article, I reccomend that we all go green and stop buying water bottles today. I'm definitely going to try my best to avoid them.

Love & Luck-
